Warning: This is a beta version and actively under development. Please open a ticket on Discord if you encounter any problems.
Login to edgeX, copy the 4 request headers, and Request The Administrator to configure the user list to access the API interface.
No authentication is required for public interfaces.
Head to Account Management, you can find your account ID there.
position_id <==> user account_id
asset_id_collateral <==> meta_data.coinList.starkExAssetId
String getWithdrawalToAddressMsg({
required String assetIdCollateral,
required String positionId,
required String ethAddress,
required String nonce,
required String expirationTimestamp,
required String amount,
}) {
var w1 = assetIdCollateral;
var w5 = BigInt.from(withdrawalToAddress);
w5 = (w5 << 64) + _toBigInt(positionId);
w5 = (w5 << 32) + _toBigInt(nonce);
w5 = (w5 << 64) + _toBigInt(amount);
w5 = (w5 << 32) + _toBigInt(expirationTimestamp);
w5 = w5 << 49;
return pedersen([
pedersen([w1, ethAddress]),
asset_id_synthetic <==> meta_data.contractList.starkExSyntheticAssetId
asset_id_collateral <==> meta_data.coinList.starkExAssetId
asset_id_fee <==> meta_data.coinList.starkExAssetId
/// https://docs.starkware.co/starkex-v4/starkex-deep-dive/message-encodings/in-perpetual
String getLimitOrderMsg({
required String assetIdSynthetic,
required String assetIdCollateral,
required bool isBuyingSynthetic,
required String assetIdFee,
required String amountSynthetic,
required String amountCollateral,
required String maxAmountFee,
required String nonce,
required String positionId,
required String expirationTimestamp,
}) {
final String assetIdSell;
final String assetIdBuy;
final String amountSell;
final String amountBuy;
if (isBuyingSynthetic) {
assetIdSell = assetIdCollateral;
assetIdBuy = assetIdSynthetic;
amountSell = amountCollateral;
amountBuy = amountSynthetic;
} else {
assetIdSell = assetIdSynthetic;
assetIdBuy = assetIdCollateral;
amountSell = amountSynthetic;
amountBuy = amountCollateral;
final w1 = assetIdSell;
final w2 = assetIdBuy;
final w3 = assetIdFee;
var msg = pedersen([w1, w2]);
msg = pedersen([msg, w3]);
var w4 = _toBigInt(amountSell);
w4 = (w4 << 64) + _toBigInt(amountBuy);
w4 = (w4 << 64) + _toBigInt(maxAmountFee);
w4 = (w4 << 32) + _toBigInt(nonce);
msg = pedersen([msg, w4.toRadixString(16)]);
var w5 = BigInt.from(limitOrderWithFees);
w5 = (w5 << 64) + _toBigInt(positionId);
w5 = (w5 << 64) + _toBigInt(positionId);
w5 = (w5 << 64) + _toBigInt(positionId);
w5 = (w5 << 32) + _toBigInt(expirationTimestamp);
w5 = w5 << 17;
return pedersen([msg, w5.toRadixString(16)]);
String getTransferMsg({
required String assetId,
required String receiverPublicKey,
required String senderPositionId,
required String receiverPositionId,
required String srcFeePositionId,
required String nonce,
required String amount,
required String expirationTimestamp,
String assetIdFee = '0',
String maxAmountFee = '0',
}) {
final w1 = assetId;
final w2 = assetIdFee;
final w3 = receiverPublicKey;
var w4 = _toBigInt(senderPositionId);
w4 = (w4 << 64) + _toBigInt(receiverPositionId);
w4 = (w4 << 64) + _toBigInt(srcFeePositionId);
w4 = (w4 << 32) + _toBigInt(nonce);
var w5 = BigInt.from(transfer);
w5 = (w5 << 64) + _toBigInt(amount);
w5 = (w5 << 64) + _toBigInt(maxAmountFee);
w5 = (w5 << 32) + _toBigInt(expirationTimestamp);
w5 = w5 << 81;
var msg = pedersen([w1, w2]);
msg = pedersen([msg, w3]);
msg = pedersen([msg, w4.toRadixString(16)]);
msg = pedersen([msg, w5.toRadixString(16)]);
return msg;